DTRA Community
Get Involved with the DTRA Community, Access Exclusive Resources, and Stay Informed of the Latest Events

Get Started
New to the DTRA community? Get started by learning more about our mission and initiatives.

Get Involved
There are many ways to get involved with DTRA. Join our working groups, participate in events, and connect with other members of the DTRA member community.

DTRA Circles are a unique way for like-minded individuals to come together and collaborate on shared interests within the decentralized clinical trials community.
Current Circles are: Diversity, Data Management, Metrics & KPIs, Patient Recruitment, Patient Voice, and Real World Data.

CoLabs are short, sprint-model working groups that work to build a more inclusive and adaptable system for conducting and managing DCTs. Learn more about our completed CoLabs, or join a current CoLab Team.

Member-Only Resources
Access member-only resources, including exclusive content, Everest Group Reports, job listings, and member directory.

TGIF-DTRA on LinkedIn Audio
TGIF-DTRA meets every Friday 12-1pm ET as an informal space to share experiences and ideas on a wide range of DCT-related topics. Simply connect with the DTRA on LinkedIn to be notified of our upcoming events.

Stay up to date on upcoming events. Our calendar includes information about DTRA events, discussions, conferences, and meetings hosted by our partners and other organizations.
Contact Us
Got a question? Get in touch with DTRA!