DTRA Resource Library
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What is the DTRA Resource Library?
DTRA has created a library of resources, ranging from white papers and peer-reviewed journal articles to regulatory documents that can be used by our greater DCT community. The library is sortable by therapeutic area, topic, type of publication, and more. Please share resources with DTRA that you think should be part of this library so we can continue to grow and expand this repository.
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A systematic review of methods used to conduct decentralised clinical trials
ViewAn Overview of Technology Availability to Support Remote Decentralized Clinical Trials
ViewDirect-to-participant investigational medicinal product supply in clinical trials in Europe_ Exploring the experiences of sponsors, site staff and couriers
ViewEthics review of decentralized clinical trials (DCTs) - Results of a mock ethics review
ViewOpportunities and Challenges for Decentralized Clinical Trial Approaches- European Health Technology Assessment Perspective
ViewWhich decentralised trial activities are reported in clinical trial protocols of drug trials initiated in 2019–2020? A cross-sectional study in ClinicalTrials.gov
ViewA secondary qualitative analysis of stakeholder views about participant recruitment, retention, and adherence in decentralised clinical trials (DCTs)
ViewThe Digital Platform and Its Emerging Role in Decentralized Clinical Trials
ViewCOVID-19 and the Emerging Regulatory Guidance for Ongoing Clinical Trials in the European Union
ViewLearning from remote decentralised clinical trial experiences - A qualitative analysis of interviews with trial personnel, patient representatives and other stakeholders
ViewRegulatory readiness to facilitate the appropriate use of innovation in clinical trials - The case of decentralized clinical trial approaches
ViewWhat motivates people with type 2 diabetes mellitus to participate in clinical trials from home?
ViewA cross-sectional survey on the early impact of COVID-19 on the uptake of decentralised trial methods in the conduct of clinical trials
ViewEthics review of decentralized clinical trials (DCTs) - Results of a mock ethics review
ViewWhich Benefits Can Justify Risks in Research?
ViewThe Ethics of Decentralized Clinical Trials and Informed Consent_ Taking Technologies Soft Impacts into Account
ViewSafety of BI 1358894 in patients with major depressive disorder: Results and learnings from a phase II randomized decentralized clinical trial
ViewImpact of the COVID-19 pandemic mitigation strategies on cancer treatment trials: A meta-analysis of industry and NCI studies
ViewElectronic Systems,Electronic Records, andElectronic Signatures inClinical Investigations: Guidance for Industry
ViewDecentralized Clinical Trials: Scientifc Considerations Through the Lens of the Estimand Framework
ViewA global pilot comparative, cross-sectional study of clinical research nurses/research midwives: Definition, knowledge base, and communication skills related to the conduct of decentralized clinical trials
ViewDecentralized clinical trials in the trial innovation network: Value, strategies, and lessons learned
ViewImproving Access to Patient-Focused, Decentralized Clinical Trials Requires Streamlined Regulatory Requirements: An ASCO Research Statement
ViewAssociation Between State Medicaid Policies and Accrual of Black or Hispanic Patients to Cancer Clinical Trials
ViewAdoption of decentralized trial elements in cancer clinical trials supporting FDA approvals during COVID-19
ViewA call to action to advance patient-focused and decentralized clinical trials
ViewRemote Monitoring and Data Collection for Decentralized Clinical Trials
ViewEarly Impact of COVID-19 on the Conduct of Oncology Clinical Trials and Long-Term Opportunities for Transformation: Findings From an American Society of Clinical Oncology Survey
ViewRethinking Cancer Clinical Trial Conduct Induced by COVID-19: An Academic Center, Industry, Government, and Regulatory Agency Perspective
ViewInformed Consent for Research Using Digital Health Technologies: Points to Consider & Sample Language
ViewExamining the Association Between DCT Solutions Use and Participant Diversity in Clinical Trials
ViewIncorporating digitally derived endpoints within clinical development programs by leveraging prior work
ViewDecentralized clinical trials in the trial innovation network: Value, strategies, and lessons learned
ViewA call to action to advance patient-focused and decentralized clinical trials
ViewPatient-Reported Adverse Events and Early Treatment Discontinuation Among Patients With Multiple Myeloma
ViewPersonalized Antihypertensive Treatment Optimization With Smartphone‐Enabled Remote Precision Dosing of Amlodipine During the COVID‐19 Pandemic (PERSONAL‐CovidBP Trial)
ViewPrediction of atrial fibrillation from at-home single-lead ECG signals without arrhythmias
ViewRainbow SPARX: A novel approach to addressing depression in sexual minority youth
ViewRemote digital health technologies for improving the care of people with respiratory disorders
ViewThe mPower study, Parkinson disease mobile data collected using ResearchKit
ViewPharmaceutical perspective: how digital biomarkers and contextual data will enable therapeutic environments
ViewIncorporating site-less clinical trials into drug development: a framework for action
ViewFacebook Advertising to Recruit Young, Urban Women into an HIV Prevention Clinical Trial
ViewClinical trials go virtual, big pharma dives in
View21st Century Patient Registries
ViewTelemedicine in Cancer Care
ViewA Review of Physiological and Behavioral Monitoring with digital sensors for Neuropsychiatric Illnesses
ViewIndustry embraces Virtual Trial Platforms
ViewParticipant Recruitment and Retention in Remote eHealth Intervention Trials: Methods and Lessons Learned From a Large Randomized Controlled Trial of Two Web-Based Smoking Interventions
ViewUsing Mobile Apps to Assess and Treat Depression in Hispanic and Latino Populations: Fully Remote Randomized Clinical Trial
ViewThe Burden of a Remote Trial in a Nursing Home Setting: Qualitative Study
View"An observational study of the association of video- vs. textbased informed consent with multicenter trial enrollment: Lessons from the PALM Study"
ViewTechnology-enabled clinical trials: transforming medical evidence generation
ViewA digital health research platform for community engagement, recruitment, and retention of sexual and gender minority adults in a national longitudinal cohort study--The PRIDE Study
ViewResearch techniques made simple: Teledermatology in clinical trials
ViewDevelopment of Human-Out-of-the-Loop Participant Recruitment, Data Collection, Data Handling, and Participant Management System
ViewVirtual clinical trials: Perspectives in dermatology
ViewTelemedicine in oncology and reimbursement policy during COVID-19 and beyond
ViewFeasibility, Reliability, and Value of Remote Video-Based Trial Visits in Parkinson's Disease
ViewLegal, regulatory, and practical issues to consider when adopting decentralized clinical trials: recommendations from the clinical trials transformation initiative
ViewRecruitment into the Alzheimer Prevention Trials (APT) Webstudy for a Trial-Ready Cohort for Preclinical and Prodromal Alzheimer’s Disease (TRC-PAD)
ViewIndicators of retention in remote digital health studies: a cross-study evaluation of 100,000 participants
ViewComparison of study samples recruited with virtual versus traditional recruitment methods
ViewEvaluating the Utility of Smartphone-Based Sensor Assessments in Persons With Multiple Sclerosis in the Real-World Using an App (elevateMS): Observational, Prospective Pilot Digital Health Study
ViewFeasibility of a Noninterventional Decentralized Clinical Trial Model in Adults with Major Depressive Disorder
ViewHome blood pressure monitors owned by participants in a large decentralised clinical trial in hypertension: the Treatment In Morning versus Evening (TIME) study
ViewIncreasing representation and diversity in cardiovascular clinical trial populations
ViewOpportunities and counterintuitive challenges for decentralized clinical trials to broaden participant inclusion
ViewAnalysis on Decentralized Clinical Trials in some European Countries
ViewCRAFT—A Proposed Framework for Decentralized Clinical Trials Participation in Canada
ViewDecentralized Trial in Afib Patients
ViewActigraphy-Measured Sleep Disruption as a Predictor of Survival among Women with Advanced Breast Cancer
ViewSurvey Results: GCP Quality and Risks in Decentralized Clinical Trials
ViewPatient Engagement Action Plan:Seven Steps to Move the Needle
ViewUsing Facebook for Large-Scale Online Randomized Clinical Trial Recruitment: Effective Advertising Strategies
ViewAn all-virtual clinical trial to assess a heart failure drug
ViewThe SGLT2 inhibitor canagliflozin in heart failure: the CHIEF-HF remote, patient-centered randomized trial
ViewA secondary qualitative analysis of stakeholder views about participant recruitment, retention, and adherence in decentralised clinical trials (DCTs)
ViewOpportunities and counterintuitive challenges for decentralized clinical trials to broaden participant inclusion
ViewReimagining patient-centric cancer clinical trials: a multi-stakeholder international coalition
ViewLearning from remote decentralised clinical trial experiences: A qualitative analysis of interviews with trial personnel, patient representatives and other stakeholders
ViewA systematic review of methods used to conduct decentralised clinical trials
ViewRemote Symptom Reporting by Caregivers: Correlation with Adverse Clinical Outcomes
ViewA novel smartphone application for the informal caregivers of cancer patients: Usability study
ViewUsability evaluation of mobile phone technologies for capturing cancer patient-reported outcomes and physical functions
ViewCorrelation between step count and clinical outcomes for patients with cancer during treatment: A feasibility study
ViewPatients with cancer symptoms and physical function reporting by caregivers as predictors of adverse clinical outcomes
ViewAssessing the Financial Value of Decentralized Clinical Trials.
ViewA New Approach to Enhancing Engagement in eHealth Apps
ViewDevelopment of a Mobile Health App (TOGETHERCare) to Reduce Cancer Care Partner Burden: Product Design Study
ViewWhat Works Best to Engage Participants in Mobile App Interventions and e-Health: A Scoping Review. Telemed J E Health
ViewMobile app and wearable sensor-based patient and caregiver physical function and reported outcomes: A survey on oncologists’ current practices and preferences on data delivery.
ViewMobile app care utility: Patients and caregivers perception.
ViewDigital Solutions for Cancer Survivorship Care
ViewParticipant comprehension and acceptability of enhanced versus text-only electronic informed consent: an innovative qualitative pilot study
ViewDecentralized clinical trials in the trial innovation network: Value, strategies, and lessons learned
ViewComparative Effectiveness of eConsent: Systematic Review
ViewDigital Health Interventions for Hypertension Management in US Populations Experiencing Health DisparitiesA Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
ViewDecentralized Clinical Trials in the Development of Drugs and Biological Products
ViewAn umbrella review of effectiveness and efficacy trials for app-based health interventions
ViewClinical Trial Site Readiness for Decentralized Trials – Fitting Trials into Today’s World
ViewPromise and Perils of Large Language Models for Cancer Survivorship and Supportive Care
ViewImplementation of digital health technology in clinical trials: the 6R framework
ViewQualification Opinion for Stride velocity 95th centile as primary endpoint in studies in ambulatory Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy studies
ViewEvaluating motor progression of juvenile-onset Huntington's Disease: An Enroll-HD analysis
ViewFirst Regulatory Qualification of a Novel Digital Endpoint in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: A Multi-Stakeholder Perspective on the Impact for Patients and for Drug Development in Neuromuscular Diseases
ViewA digital motor score for sensitive detection of disease progression in early manifest Huntington’s disease
ViewHome monitoring in interstitial lung diseases
ViewTeleoncology in the Veterans Health Administration: Models of Care and the Veteran Experience
ViewOptimizing Technology Implementation to Improve Diversity in Clinical Research
ViewTelehealth Shown to Be Effective for Palliative Care Delivery in Patients With Advanced Lung Cancer
ViewRecruitment and Retention in Remote Research: Learnings From a Large, Decentralized Real-world Study
ViewBenchmarking Site Activation and Patient Enrollment
ViewExamining the Association Between DCT Solutions Use and Participant Diversity in Clinical Trials
ViewThe value of decentralized clinical trials: Inclusion, accessibility, and innovation
ViewTelehealth vs In-Person Early Palliative Care for Patients With Advanced Lung Cancer: A Multisite Randomized Clinical Trial
View"2024 RFI DCT NCAT report: Advancing Clinical and Translational Science through Accelerating the Decentralization ofClinical Trials"
ViewThe landscape of decentralized clinical trials (DCTs): focusing on the FDA and EMA guidance
ViewAnalyzing DCT Deployments
ViewImplementing sensor-based digital health technologies in clinical trials: Key considerations from the eCOA Consortium
ViewPatient-reported outcomes in CodeBreaK 200: Sotorasib versus docetaxel for previously treated advanced NSCLC with KRAS G12C mutation
ViewEnsuring Virtual Vigilance in Decentralized Clinical Trials
Clinical Trial Matching Solutions: Understanding the Landscape