Priorities and Initiatives

Empowering Decentralized Clinical Trials


Decentralized Clinical Trials?

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A decentralized clinical trial (DCT) is a clinical trial that utilizes technology, processes, and/or services that create the opportunity to reduce or eliminate the need for participants to physically visit a traditional research site for some or all of their trial related activities.

The potential benefits of DCTs include:

Enhanced Participant Experience: DCTs provide more options for patients to participate in trials through a combination of technology and services. This improved patient experience increases both trial participation and retention.
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Business Continuity: DCTs were a critical countermeasure to maintain trial conduct during the COVID-19 pandemic and will remain an important tool for business continuity in an unpredictable global environment.
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Enhanced Participant Access: DCTs provide a more convenient and comfortable environment for patients, allowing them to participate in clinical trials from home or nearby locations.
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Sustainability: As more sponsors include sustainable clinical trials as part of their ESG and corporate social responsibility commitment, DCTs will be an important tool in reducing the impact of travel and associated burden on the planet.
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Support Increased Diversity: By removing barriers to trial access, DCTs support the opportunity for a more diverse range of participants, which ultimately leads to more inclusive and representative research outcomes.

The DCT Process

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Explore the end-to-end process of decentralized clinical trials and learn about the key milestones that are integral to successful planning and execution. 

Priorities and Initiatives

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Explore DTRA Priorities and Initiatives that drive our mission of global adoption of decentralized trials.


Gain a deeper understanding of DTRA priorities, initiatives, and efforts.

Partner Organizations

Explore the partner organizations that collaborate to drive innovation and progress in the life sciences and clinical trials ecosystem. 

Priority 1: Definitions

Establishing common nomenclature & definitions around the practice of decentralized research.

Priority 2: Best Practices

Discover the best practices and guidelines developed by DTRA initiatives to support the successful implementation of decentralized clinical trials.

Priority 3: Education 

Access educational resources designed to empower stakeholders and promote the adoption of decentralized clinical trials.

Priority 4: Removing Barriers

Learn about our efforts to identify and overcome challenges to the growth and adoption of decentralized clinical trials.

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DTRA Circles

DTRA Circles are a unique way for like-minded individuals to come together online and collaborate on shared interests within the decentralized clinical trials community.

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CoLabs are a more effective, inclusive, and adaptable system for conducting and managing DCTs utilizing virtual platforms, retail pharmacies, local physicians, community health centers, and more.

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