Priority 3: Education
Fostering a Knowledge Repository and Information-Sharing Approach for Decentralized Research

The Goal
DTRA’s Priority 3 focuses on building a comprehensive knowledge repository and promoting information sharing in decentralized research through three key initiatives: a Data and Knowledge Repository, a Knowledge-Sharing Playbook, and a DCT Curriculum. These initiatives aim to provide valuable insights, raise awareness, and educate stakeholders to ensure the success and growth of decentralized clinical trials.

Evidence of Impact
The development of a crowdsourced data and knowledge repository education, research, and awareness in decentralized clinical trials. A survey was completed by cross-industry stakeholders to collect crowdsourced information. The results provide valuable insights to help DCT project teams make informed decisions during trial design and operationalization based on both successful evidence points and key learnings from challenges encountered in similar studies.

Arnab Roy,
Co-Lead, ZS
“We envision DCT sponsors using this library of evidence to ‘pressure test’ the potential impact of their decentralization decisions while designing and operationalizing their trials, not just through the evidence points around what WORKED, but also through the key learnings of what DIDN’T WORK for similar studies.”

Knowledge Sharing Playbook
DTRA’s “how-to” Knowledge Sharing Playbook depicts the end-to-end process of designing and executing DCTs. The framework of the playbook is divided into five stages of development, fostering ongoing collaboration between initiative teams, such as the Best Practices and Regulatory Gap Assessment teams. The vision for this resource is to offer an evolving digital guide that provides readily available information for anyone involved in creating trials with DCT elements.

Jane Myles,
Initiative-Co-Lead, Program Director, DTRA
“The goal is to make this a digital, ‘living’ resource that will continue to evolve as the practice of DCT evolves. Our vision is to make information easy to access to any of the ‘builders’ who want to understand what to think about as they build trials that include DCT elements.”

DCT Curriculum
The creation of a DCT Learning Curriculum with several modules is in progress. It is designed to educate and inform various stakeholders on the design, conduct, and oversight of decentralized research. With established curriculum modules and sub-groups assigned for development, the final output will be a comprehensive DCT training curriculum that promotes the accessibility and longevity of decentralized clinical trials.

Helen Kirkby,
Initiative Project Manager, Bionical Emas
“The final output of our Initiative will provide a robust DCT training curriculum that will help spread the news that DCTs are here, they are accessible, and they are here to stay.”